
Over a hundred licensed vendors around the world are authorized to produce merchandise that features the Rotary Marks. Strengthen Rotary’s brand recognition in your community by purchasing merchandise only from these licensed vendors. “Rotary,” “Rotary club,” “Rotarian,” “Rotaract,” “Mark of Excellence,” “Masterbrand Signature,” “Interact,” and other Rotary Marks are trademarks owned by Rotary International. You’ll see the registered trademark symbol, ® , on licensed merchandise.

Licensed vendors

Only Rotary International licensees are permitted to produce and sell merchandise that bears the Rotary Marks.

Vendors that produce or sell Rotary-branded merchandise without a license or permission from Rotary International infringe on Rotary’s trademark rights and may harm our brand. When you and your club buy from a licensed vendor, you help to protect the Rotary brand.

Find a licensed vendor.

If your club, district, Rotary Fellowship, or Rotary Action Group wants to sell merchandise with its logo as part of a fundraising event, contact to get a license or discuss getting an exception to licensing rules for that event.

If the Rotary-branded merchandise you need isn’t available from a licensed vendor, you can submit a request to use an unlicensed company, along with the proposed design, to After Rotary approves the design, we may grant one-time permission to an unlicensed vendor to use the Rotary Marks in that design.

Member pins

Members everywhere immediately recognize Rotary pins as a proud symbol of membership. The design and color of the member pin you have, and of all those that are available through Rotary’s licensed suppliers, are acceptable.

Trading banners

When you create a trading banner, position your club, district, or zone logo in the top right corner. (See the examples below.) Custom illustrations and graphics should appear below your club logo. Ask an RI-licensed vendor to produce your banners.


Other custom Rotary-branded merchandise

Work with our licensed vendors to produce a variety of items that feature your club, district, zone, or program logo, or a logo for a Rotary Fellowship or Rotary Action Group.










Resources and reference

Learn how to create your Rotary logo and use it effectively.