Voice and messaging


Our voice — the unique tone and style we use to communicate — focuses on four attributes that describe Rotary and our members: persevering, inspiring, compassionate, and smart. These attributes set the tone for how we talk about Rotary. Think of them as Rotary’s personality.

Rotary’s voice is clear, persuasive, and reliable. It’s personal and sincere.


We want to distinguish Rotary from other organizations and appeal to all of our audiences by using compelling and consistent messages. Describing and showing ourselves as people of action helps define Rotary for those who don’t know us. Our messaging aims to provide a simple, consistent answer to the question, “What is Rotary?”

Together, we take action to create lasting change in our communities and around the world.

This type of messaging creates a personal connection to Rotary and emphasizes not only the difference we make, but how we make it happen.

Rotary members are effective problem-solvers who create solutions that last because we invest in relationships. We know how to mobilize our networks, and we are constantly learning from our experiences as we participate in clubs, volunteer for projects, and manage our careers.

Using our unique voice consistently in all of your messaging will ensure that your communications sound and read unmistakably like Rotary. By doing so, you'll also let the world know what we do to help create positive change for the people and places that need it most. We are people of action.

How to use our voice

Inspire your audience and give them reasons to believe in your message by offering proof. You can do this by including:

  • Stories that show your club members and participants as people of action making a difference in your community
  • Clear, compelling facts and data that demonstrate how Rotary contributes to solving problems
  • Stories about moments when you or fellow members recognized the power of Rotary.
  • Descriptions of how members benefited or grew personally or professionally from their Rotary experience.
  • Testimonials from community members or partners that articulate the benefits your Rotary or Rotaract club has brought to those you served or reached.
  • Notable programs, projects, press coverage, recognition, or partnerships that reinforce Rotary's credibility.

Learn how Rotary's essence and vision statements support and strengthen our messaging.

Learn how you can use the annual presidential message.