Advertising is an effective way to improve Rotary’s public image by telling people about the work we do. Raising awareness of the difference your club makes can lead to greater support for your projects, stronger connections with community organizations, and increased interest from potential members.
Get the most out of your advertising efforts by targeting your message to your audience. Think about who you want to reach and where they typically get information. For example, if you want to encourage young professionals to get involved, advertise on social media and show members having fun while making a difference.
People of Action ads
Download ready-made People of Action ads or create your own by using our templates and customizing them with your own images and content.
Find all of our People of Action materials, including customizable templates and ready-to-use banner ads, social media posts, images, audio, and video.
Getting started
Develop a plan for placing your ads online, in local publications, on billboards or transit media, on the radio, or on television. Be sure to use your Rotary connections! If you or another club member has contacts in the media or advertising industry, ask them to help you get free or low-cost placements of your ads.
Don’t forget to encourage others to use People of Action materials. The more we work together to raise awareness of Rotary, the more our communities will understand Rotary and the good we do. Here are more ideas for getting your ads seen and your club recognized.
Use digital channels

The simplest and least expensive way to get your ads seen by club members and the public is by using your digital channels. Promote your club’s members as people of action by posting ads, images, and videos on:
- Club and district websites and blogs
- Newsletters
- Social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Learn more about our images and videos and how you can customize them to promote your club.
Tips for using People of Action social media ads
- Keep the accompanying text short and focused on your club’s activity.
- Include a call to action, such as going to your club website. (Don’t forget to include the link.)
- Use the #PeopleofAction and #Rotary hashtags to strengthen our brand and visibility.
- Post, send, and share all of your People of Action ads. Motivate other Rotary members to do the same.
Promote your club in print and on radio and television

Rotary’s ads, including professionally produced, ready-to-use images, audio files, and videos, show how Rotary members make the world a better place. Remember to use your media connections to try to get free or low-cost placements of ads.
- Place ads in your local newspaper, in both the print and online versions.
- Create billboards and outdoor signage for local public transportation agencies. Contact an outdoor advertising vendor or the advertising department of your community’s public transit agency to ask about placing ads.
- Give stores promotional materials. Many business owners are willing to promote good causes and nonprofit organizations. Don’t forget to ask business owners in your club to display the ads, too.
- Contact television and radio stations and ask them to play Rotary’s public service announcements.
In the U.S.: Find public service announcements in the PSA Download Center on Plowshare.
Outside the U.S.: Find audio and video files.
Tips for using radio and television ads

- Ads are available with and without voice-over. Stations can use the ads with voice-over as they are. Or you can localize your ad by providing the station with the scripts and asking it to record the ad.
- When you localize the ads, work with the station to find someone who sounds confident, inspiring, and welcoming to read the script.
- Customize the ads by including your club’s contact information. For example: Connect with the Evanston Lighthouse Rotary Club at The customizable versions of the TV ads have an extra five seconds at the end for adding on-screen information.
More ideas of places to put ads at little or no cost:
- Parking meters
- Taxis
- Blimps
- Grocery shopping carts
- Community bulletin boards
- Movie theaters
We want to hear your stories! Send us pictures of how you used Rotary’s ad materials. We may feature your work in our Rotary publications. Write to our Marketing staff at
Resources and reference
Take Promoting Your Club as People of Action in the Learning Center.