Masterbrand signature
It’s every member’s responsibility to help build Rotary’s brand recognition. Your club can help by using our logos correctly and consistently. Always use your customized club, district, or zone logo, rather than our Masterbrand Signature alone, when promoting your club or other Rotary entity or its activities.
Create a club, district, or zone logo by using our customizable templates.
Masterbrand Signature

This is the official logo of Rotary International. It combines the wheel with the word “Rotary” to the left for visibility and recognition. The Masterbrand Signature cannot be altered in any way.
Both the Masterbrand Signature and the Masterbrand Signature Simplified can be used on all print and digital applications. We recommend using the simplified version if the logo will be smaller than 1.25 cm (0.5 inches) or will be embroidered.
Rotaract Masterbrand Signature

The Rotaract Masterbrand Signature is our official logo and combines the wheel with the word “Rotaract” to the left for visibility and recognition. The Rotaract Masterbrand Signature cannot be altered in any way.
Both the Rotaract Masterbrand Signature and the Rotaract Masterbrand Signature Simplified can be used on all print and digital applications. We recommend using the simplified version if the logo will be smaller than 1.25 cm (0.5 inches) or will be embroidered.
Interact Masterbrand Signature

The Interact Masterbrand Signature is our official logo and combines the wheel with the word “Interact” to the left for visibility and recognition. The Interact Masterbrand Signature cannot be altered in any way.
Both the Interact Masterbrand Signature and the Interact Masterbrand Signature Simplified can be used on all print and digital applications. We recommend using the simplified version if the logo will be smaller than 1.25 cm (0.5 inches) or will be embroidered.
Resources and Reference
Download Your Logos at a Glance.
Take the Learning Center course Our Logo: Representing Rotary to learn more about using club logos.