
Q: I want to get items with the Rotary logo made for my club. How do I do that?

A: Our logos and brand are trademarked. This includes club, district, and zone logos. To protect our brand, all Rotary-branded merchandise needs to be purchased through a licensed vendor. Review our list of licensed vendors.

Q: My club wants to sell something and put the Rotary logo on it. What are the rules about how to do this?

A: Find our policies for selling merchandise with any of the Rotary logos, including club, district, and zone logos.

Q: I can’t find an item I want for our club from local licensed vendors. Can an unlicensed vendor make it for us?

A: Yes. If you want to work with a company that isn’t a licensed vendor, you can request one-time permission for an unlicensed company to use Rotary Marks. Find out more about Rotary-branded merchandise.