People of Action

Q: Can I use a verb headline for my People of Action ad other than the 10 choices provided?

A: No. The People of Action ads and social media posts use these verb phrases — Connect, Empower, End Polio, Fight Hunger, Inspire, Learn, Mentor, Promote Peace, Save Lives, Transform — to ensure that no matter where you are in the world, the message is the same. It’s how, together, we strengthen Rotary’s brand recognition worldwide.

Q: How can I identify my club in People of Action materials and messages?

A: You can identify your club in the descriptive text and add your website or contact information in the call to action section of your ads.

Q: How can my club benefit from the People of Action resources?

A: The People of Action message provides a simple, consistent answer to the question, “What is Rotary?” and rallies us around a single idea: telling — and showing — the world that we are people of action. Learn more about the benefits of using our People of Action resources to promote your club’s activities in the community.